Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Activity 9

Come up with your own example.

Use 'A union B' to represent A∪B and 'A intersect B' to represent A∩B.
Use (A union B)' to represent (A∪B)'.


  1. Universal set is 1,2,3,4,5,6
    Set A = 1,3,4
    Set B = 4,5,6
    A union B represents 1,3,4,5,6
    A intersect B represents 4

  2. Universal set={Jan,Feb,mar,...,Dec}

    A union B={Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,jun,jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec}

    A intersect B={Jun}

  3. Universal Set is the people who are pet owners.

    A is the people who own a dog.

    B is the people who own a cat.

    A union B is the people who own a dog or a cat or both.

    A intersect B is the people who own a dog and a cat.

  4. Universal set = {Fictional Characters}
    A = {Male characters}
    B = {Book characters}

    A union B = {Fictional characters which are either male, or from a book, or both}

    A intersect B = {Fictional characters which are both male and from a book}

    (A union B)' = {Fictional characters which are neither male nor from a book}

  5. ξ = {girls who stay in Singapore}
    A = {TKGians}
    B = {girls who like KPop}

    A union B = {TKGians and girls who like KPop or both}
    A intersect B = {TKGians who like KPop}
    (A union B)' = {girls who do not like KPop and are not TKGians}

  6. the universal set is the types of languages in the world

    A is the people who speak asian languages

    B is the people who speak western languages

    A union B is the people who either speak asian languages or western languages or both

    A intercect B is the peole who speak both asian and western languages

  7. universal set = {hats}
    A = {hats with stains}
    B = {hats which have been made during year 1990}

    A union B = {hats with stains, hats which were made during year 1990 or both}

    A intersect B = {hats with stains and were made during year 1990}


  8. The universal set represents the student in the triple science stream in sec 3.
    A represent students who are intrested in litrature as humanities subject.
    B represent students who are intrested in geography as humanities subject.
    A union B is the number of students who prefer geography or litreature or both.
    A intersect B represent students who prefer both litreature and geography as humanities subject.

  9. universal set is students in 2e2

    A is students who are singapore citizens

    B is students who are hong kong citizens

    A union B is students who are singapore citizens or hong kong citizens or both

    A intersect B is students who are singapore citizens and hong kong citizens

  10. the universal set = {all fruits}
    A = {fruits that are yellow}
    B = {fruits that are pink}

    A union B = {fruits that are pink or yellow or both}

    A intersects B ={fruits that are pink and yellow}

    (A union B)' = {fruits that are not pink nor yellow not both}

  11. TiffanyAndSharon._.July 22, 2009 at 9:46 PM

    Universal set={Animals}
    Set A={Animals that look adorable}
    Set b={Animals that are fierce}

    AUB= Animals that look adorable or animals that are fierce or animals that are both adorable and fierce.

    A/\B= Animals that are both adorable and fierce.

  12. Grace and Wei QingJuly 22, 2009 at 9:47 PM

    the universal set ={a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h}
    B= {e,f,g,h}
    A union B represents a,e,f,g,h
    A intercepts B represents e,f

  13. the universal set is cars
    set A is red cars
    set B is cars with spoilers.
    A union B is cars that are red or have spoilers or both.
    A intersect B is cars that are red and have spoilers
    (A union B)' is cars that are both not red and does not have spoilers.

  14. the universal set = {all markers}
    A = {markers that are yellow}
    B = {markers that are pink}

    A union B = { that are pink or yellow or both}

    A intersects B ={markers that are pink and yellow}

    (A union B)' = {markers that are not pink nor yellow nor both}

  15. Universal set = {footwear}
    A = {Nike branded footwears}
    B = {Old and dirty footwears}

    A union B = {Nike branded footwears,old and dirty footwears or both}

    A intersects B = {Old and dirty nike branded footwears}

    (A union B)' = {footwears which are neither nike branded nor old and dirty}

  16. TiffanyAndSharon._.July 22, 2009 at 9:48 PM

    (AUB)'=Animals that are not adorable nor fierce

  17. universal set is red, yellow , blue and green.

    set A = {red ,yellow}
    set B = {red, blue , green}
    A union B represents red,yellow,blue,green.
    A intersect B represents red.
    -lauraa and meijun

  18. ξ = {pigs}
    A = {pigs that wears clothes}
    B = {pigs that can fly}

    A union B = pigs that wears clothes or can fly or can do both.
    A intersect B = pigs that wears clothes and can fly.

  19. the universal set= {positive integer}
    A= {positive integer which is multiples of 5}
    B= {positive integer which is multiples of 3}
    A union B represnts positive integer which is multiples of 5 or multiples of 3, or both.
    A intersect B represents positive integer which is multiples of 5 and as well as multiples of 3

  20. Use 'A union B' to represent A∪B and 'A intersect B' to represent A∩B.
    Use (A union B)' to represent (A∪B)'.

    universal set={1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11}
    A={1, 3, 5}
    b={3, 7, 9}


    A intersect B={3}

  21. the universal set={Panic At The Disco}

    A={members who have tattoos}

    B={members who are not single}

    A union B rep members who have tattoos or are single or both

    A intercepts B rep members with tattoos and have girlfriends

    Ayesha and cassandra ^^

  22. The universal set represents the tkgian population.

    A={TKGian who like to watch Disney Channel.}
    B={TKGian who like to watch cartoon network.}

    AUB={TKGian who like to watch either Disney Channel or cartoon network or both.}

    A∩B={TKGians who like both Disney Channel and cartoon network.}

    (A∪B)'={TKGians who do not like both Disney Channel and cartoon network.}

  23. Universal set={students who own watches}
    A={students who own blue watches}
    B={students who own red watches}

    A union B represents students who own blue watches or own red watches or both.

    A intersect B represents students who own both blue and red watches.

  24. the universal set ={ Birds }
    A={ Birds that are white in colour }
    B={ Bidrs that cannot fly }

    A interset B={ Birds that are white in colour and cannot fly }

    ( A union B )={ Birds that are not white in colour and can fly }

  25. ξ={people who like ice-ceream}
    A={People who like chocolate ice-cream}
    B={People who like coffee ice-cream}

    A union B={People who like chocolate ice-cream, coffee ice-cream or both}

    A intersect B={People who like chocolate ice-cream and coffee ice-cream}

    ke xin

  26. ξ = people who like to eat food
    A = poeple who like to eat Chinese food
    B = people who like Indian food

    A union B = people who like to eat Chinese food or Indian food or both.

    A intersect B = people whon like to eat Chinese and Indian food

    (A union B)' = people who neither like to eat Chinese food or Indian food

  27. (A∩B)'={11}


  28. (A union B)' = {pigs that does not wear clothes or does not fly}

  29. universalset={those who watched HP 6 the movie}
    set A={movie watchers}
    set B={book-readers}
    AunionB ={those who watched the movie, or read the book, or both}
    AintersectB ={book-readers who watched the movie}

    -Adlina(i didn't like the movie) and Aralin

  30. Universal set = {Girls who like ice cream}
    Set A = {Girls who like strawberry ice cream}
    Set B = {Girls who like chocolate ice cream}

    A union B = {Girls who like either strawberry ice cream or choclate ice cream or both}

    A intersect B = {Girls who like both strwberry and choclate ice cream}

  31. A union B = {pigs that wears clothes or can fly or can do both.}
    A intersect B = {pigs that wears clothes and can fly.}
    i forgot the brackets...

  32. Just now that one wrong liao, this one is the correct one .

    the universal set ={ Birds }
    A={ Birds that are white in colour }
    B={ Bidrs that cannot fly }

    A interset B={ Birds that are white in colour and cannot fly }

    ( A union B )'={ Birds that are not white in colour and can fly }

  33. Universal set={orange,pear,kiwi,strawberry}
    Set A={orange,pear,kiwi}
    Set B={orange,strawberry}
    'A union B'={orange,pear,kiwi,strawberry}
    'A intersect B'={orange}
    (A union B)'={none of the fruits}

  34. ξ = {dogs}
    A = {dogs with spots}
    B = {dogs that are brown}

    A union B = {dogs with spots or are brown}
    A intersect B = {dogs with spots and are brown}

  35. ξ = {People who enjoy watching dramas}
    A = {People who enjoy watching korean dramas}
    B = {People who enjoy watching japanese dramas}

    A union B = {people who enjoy watching korean dramas or japanese dramas or both}

    A intersect B = {people who enjoy watching both korean and japanese dramas}

    (A union B)' = {people who enjoy watching neither korean nor japanese dramas}

  36. ξ = {students in the class}
    A = {students who like kimchi}
    B = {students who like sushi}

    A union B = {students who like either kimchi or sushi or both}
    A intersect B = {students who like both kimchi and sushi}
    (A union B)' = {students who do not like kimchi and sushi}


  37. ξ={TKGians who watch television}
    A={TKGians who watch Channel 8}
    B={TKGians who watch Channel 5}
    AUB={TKGians who watch Channel 8, TKGians who watch Channel 5 and TKGians who watch both}
    A intersect B represents TKGians who watch both Channel 8 and Channel 5.
    (A union B)' represents TKGians who watch television but do not watch channel 8 and 5.
