Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Unit 11.2: Activity 6

D={students who stay in the East}
E={students who own a bicycle}
F={students who stay in a flat}
G={students who own a farm}

Which is the empty set? Explain your answer.

Come up with your own empty set.


  1. Set G. No student can possibly own their own farm.

    S={students in TKGS who are male}

  2. G is the empty set because there are nobody in the class who owns a farm.

    Z= {A family who has 100 000 000 bungalows}

  3. G is an empty set. we are too young to own land.

  4. G is an empty set. As we live in Singapore and we are too young to own a farm.

    I={Toddlers who never cried before)

  5. Empty set = Set G

    There is a possibility for students to stay in teh East, own a bicycle and stay in a flat but no student would be able to own a farm.


    R = {dogs that are able to fly}

    R = { }

  6. G is the empty set. There are no students that owns farms.

    L = {students who owns a hot pink lamborghini}

  7. G= {} because singaporeans do not own a farm hence i dont think any student owns a farm.

    A= {Blue trees in Singapore}

  8. Set G is an empty set. This is because no one in Singapore owns a farm. Singapore do not have enough land for agriculture.

    E={students in the class who have elephants as their pets}

  9. G is the empty set.
    No students own a farm in the class, but there are students who stays in the East, stays in a flat or owns a bicycle.

    R={monkeys who can catch stars}

  10. Set G is empty set.

    Singapore has land constraint and not enough land for many farms.

    S = {}

    Set A = {students who own a live polar bear}

  11. Set G is the empty set because singapore does not have enough land to support a farm.

    Set T={people who can fly}

  12. Set G as no students own a farm

    H = {Doctors on House's team who like Dr.House}


  13. the empty set:
    G={students who own a farm}

    It is very unlikely for a student to own a farm in Singapore at this age.

    my empty set:
    O={students who met Obama face to face at the white house}

  14. Set G is an empty set because no one really owns a farm.
    B={students who own a private plane}

  15. Set G is an empty set. Students are too young to own a farm.

    J={odd numbers that are divisible by 2}

  16. G={ }
    Because no students would own a farm.

    U={ Underpants that are alive. }
    U= { }

  17. Set G is an empty set as no students own a farm.
    P={People who set foot on Mars}

  18. 1) Set G is the empty set. No students can own a farm.

    2) T={people that cannot die}

  19. S={people who have visited neptune}

  20. G is an empty set. no students can own a farm.

    A={100 year olds who ride the rollercoaster everyday and bungee jump}

  21. Set G is an empty set because none of the students own a farm.

    A={students who own a bank}

  22. G is an empty set because no one in the class owns a farm.

    U = {An imediate family of 100 girls}

  23. G is the empty set. Nobody in our class stays in a farm.

    Z = {people who landed on the Sun and explored it}

  24. G is the empty set, as students are also too young to own a farm.

    C = {People that have wings and can fly.}

    C = {}

  25. G is the empty set. Nobody is our class stays in a farm.

    V = {people whose name is qwgr79bew78g}

  26. Set G is an empty set as there is not enough land in singapore to own a farm. And no students have enough money tto own a farm.

    A={A baby who has gone round the world by himself/herself.}

  27. Set G is empty, We're too young to work in farms as we live in Singapore.

    A= {students who own black enzo ferraris}


  28. 1. The set G is an empty set as we all live in an urban area where technology has advanced and we buy our vegetables and not grow them.

    2. F = {newborn babies who own the super power of x-ray vison}


  29. G is the empty set. None of the students has the money to own a farm.

    C={ Starfishes can walk on two legs }

  30. G is the empty set, because Singapore is too small and it is too expensive for most students to own a farm.

    T={sharks that can breathe out of water}

  31. G is a empty set. Everyone in class is too young to own a farm.

    I={REAL humans who never grow old}

  32. G is the empty set as no students in the right mind would own a farm.

    C={Zebras who walk down the streets of Singapore}

  33. The empty set is G. This is because it is highly unlikely that students in Singapore own farms.

    F = {people who can breathe underwater}

  34. Set G is an empty set .
    Singapore is an urban area and there's land constraint too.

    P={students who can travel around the world in 80 days}

  35. Drusilla and Kai JuanJuly 20, 2009 at 6:05 PM

    G is the empty set. None of the student is rich enough to own a farm and moreover, they are too young to own one.

    S={Any jobs in Singapore can earn 2 million dollars per month.}

  36. G is an empty set as no one in the class owns a farm.

    X = {The number of places in Singapore that experience winter.}

